Saturday, September 20, 2008

Product DRAMA!!!! :(

I was trying to wait for it to get a little cooler before I start rocking the straight looks, but my impatience kicked in, so today I decided to wash & rollerset. Well, as I'm detangling in the shower, I noticed some spots that were a little more difficult to get through than others...but they weren't tangled! The strands were "welded" together with product build up!! :( :( :(

Apparently, all that ORS that I'd been leaving in, combined with half done co-washes (ie not sectioning the hair like I know I should), turned into a not so nice combination that not only doubled my detagling time, but also increased the time it took me to rollerset.

So...lesson....or shall I say lessonS...learned.

1) As much as I loved my slicked back ponytail this summer, I have to curb the prolonged use of 1 style...I feel if I would have switched it up more, I would have caught this problem sooner.

2) I MUST stop being lazy and give my co-washes the time & energy I need to to keep my hair clean.

ETA: The buildup aftermath continued this morning after I removed the rollers. Apparently all of my efforts last night still only removed part of the product, so I was still trying to get more out today. And now my hair feels all ewwww-y & gunky. I will be re-washing & styling in the next couple of days. :(

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